Setup your Macbook M1 for minikube

Nishant Sondhi
1 min readApr 6, 2021

So I bought the new Macbook with the Apple’s Silicon chip M1 for its awesome performance! However, there were somethings which were not quite straightforward.

These are the steps I followed in how to setup Minikube on docker container running locally on my M1 Macbook :

  1. Install Tech preview of Docker Desktop for M1
    Visit :
    Github repository to report issues if in case you hit any :
  2. You can now get started with Minikube, as that will by default use the driver of the docker to spin up a container for you
    Visit :
  3. After you have installed minikube and started it, in order to run a test application use hello-world sample application to test your setup.
    Visit :
  4. After creating a service object that exposes your deployment ( step 4 ), if you are using minikube on docker container on darwin like me — you will need to run the following command to create a tunnel in order to expose your service over an external-ip :
    minikube service example-service — url
  5. The last command should give you a url that you can hit which should show render your application

Issue: Currently running hello-minikube application on docker container on darwin crashes for me due to a crashloopbackoff error, not quite sure about the reason why.

